I will probably come at no surprise to you to learn that I think a lot about what I do at work. A few weeks ago Chris Tritabaugh shared a tweet with his followers (I'm one of them) that made me think....about how I think...I think? The article explains how successful people spend a lot of time thinking and not actually doing physical work. Now I am in no way implying that I am successful. I think that is a rather subjective thing to proclaim. I do, however, spend a lot of time thinking about grass....and stuff. Why Successful People Spend 10 Hours A Week Just Thinking @BrianScudamore https://t.co/fTWSq4QuxX via @Inc — Boyd Montgomery (@montybr) April 10, 2016 When talking with other superintendents about how I blog the question often arises, "how do you find the time to blog?" The answer came to me when I read the above article about thinking. For me, blogging is thinking, it is putting what I am doing and thinking in writing. It just so happens that I share this wi...