It has now been just over 2 weeks since I started measuring clipping yields on individual greens.
Firstly, it's worth noting that we have not recorded any increase in time that it takes to cut the greens in the morning. Yes, it's only been 6 mows compared to thousands in our database but it's insignificant. Not having time simply isn't an excuse to not do this.
As my damaged greens recover they have had higher growth rates due to the increased fertilizer that was applied to try and speed the recovery. My undamaged greens got their regular fertilizer rates based on the growth potential and are growing much slower.
In an earlier post I wondered how I would transition the high growth to low growth. What I have done is simply not apply nitrogen to the greens that are growing too fast. This has been the result.
As you can see the damaged greens are still growing quite a bit faster than the undamaged but now that the undamaged greens are the only ones receiving supplemental fertilizer, their growth rate is trending higher (as it should be this time of year) and the damaged greens growth rate is trending downward. I estimate that at this rate of convergence that they should have similar growth rates in about 2 week's time. It will be interesting to see how they react differently during periods of high mineralization as I suspect that the dead organic matter from all that poa might be elevated on those greens and could lead to excessive growth.
Another thing I find interesting is how the two lines, while different, are similar. When one goes up, so does the other. So even though we have two different growth rates based on fertilizer, they are both impacted similarly to the other things that impact growth like temperature, light, water and snake oil. 😜