turf is starting to turn colour as the winter solstice approaches I've talked a lot about how I think it might be beneficial to use growth regulators on turf through the winter. I'm on the West Coast of Canada where turf grows (slowly) all winter long and we are forced to mow. I've thought that mowing active fusarium could spread it and my observations definitely confirm this suspicion. This is one reason why I think using growth regulators might be a good idea in the winter, so that you don't need to mow so often and therefore spread the disease around less so. absolutely no disease I found a spot! nothing my spray bottle can't handle. The trouble us turf managers have out west is that we need a lot of fungicide to keep the grass alive this time of year. The conditions are thought to be ideal for fusarium and not ideal for the grass which only makes this problem worse. None here either Courses that receive snow cover all winter can get away with a few fungicide app...