Well there goes another fall aeration! I wish I could say that it went off without a hitch but that just wouldn't be aeration at Pender Harbour. Last year we purchased a back up aerator and it's a good thing we did because the old one tried to die a few times and the newer one wasn't much better. Our topdresser also finally died and we could only finish spreading the sand thanks to the guys at the Porpoise Bay Golf Club in Sechelt for lending us their spreader. Despite having one of the largest gravel and sand pits in the world only minutes away we have a very hard time getting a high quality sand. They even advertise on their web site about how good their sand is for golf courses. In order to get this sand though, you need to order an entire golf course's worth! This is what the sand looks like shortly after being spread. Blowing off the rock in the wet weather. This is what we are left with after blowing. We then shovel the rock into the r...