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Showing posts from August, 2020

Accidental Microdose Overseeding

Last fall I started a small overseeding study to see which turf type would be suitable for our fairways as " if you aren't overseeding improved turfgrass varieties you will invariably get unimproved turfgrass " like poa annua which requires more water, fertilizer and attention than we can give it. In the study I was testing 3 types of turfgrass. Perennial ryegrass, turf type tall fescue and creeping bentgrass. I couldn't test all the varieties of each species so I chose blends of the species which isn't important for the purpose of this post. All I wanted to see was how each species would establish with virtually no effort other than spreading the seed on the ground. I had plots on dry fairways, wet fairways, shady areas, sunny areas etc. The seeding rates were super low because the idea was to put improved varieties everywhere for a low cost and then let them spread out over time. The seed germinated in 10 days. Seed testing plots Around the same time I noticed s...