I came across this on twitter this morning. Noticed this while out cutting some leaners this morning. Sand channel on left quad-tine core, channel on right solid-tine. #issolidbetter ? pic.twitter.com/OiGXBFjOZ5 — Rob Steger (@SaginawCCturf) February 23, 2017 And then this rely: @TheFortressTurf Tried solid tines for the first time last fall, incorporated 30% more sand into the profile than we usually do. 3/4" — Rob Steger (@SaginawCCturf) February 23, 2017 This got me thinking about what I have noticed on my course. For the past few years we haven't been pulling a core and I also noticed that we were able to get about 30% more sand into our greens at aeration time but never really though much of it as it relates to solid vs core aeration. I think that when we core, it is difficult to get the entire plug removed. This leaves some of the holes still partially filled with soil/sand and reduces the amount of sand we can get into the hole. Getting a good core is dependant on a ...