It has now been 6 months since I started tracking the cost and EIQ of pest control products at the Pender Harbour Golf Club. So far I am doing great with keeping with my set goals. Sustainability Metric YTD Total Cost Goal Percent of Goal Used YTD Progress Days Percent of Total Next App Max Cost Fusarium $1,964.89 $5,000.00 39.30% 46.58% 7.28% 27 84.37% $363.87 Cost Dollar Spot $0.00 $400.00 0.00% 46.58% 46.58% 170 0.00% $186.30 Total Cost $1,964.89 $5,400.00 36.39% 46.58% 10.19% 37 78.12% $550.17 Fusarium EIQ 348.23 800.00 43.53% 46.58% 3.05% 11 93.46% 24.38 Dollar Spot EIQ 0.00 1.00 0.00% 46.58% 46.58% 170 0.00% 0.47 Total EIQ 348.23 801.00 43.47% 46.58% 3.10% 11 93.34% 24.84 As you can see I am almost 37 days ahead of my cost goals and 11 days ahead of my EIQ goals. I am not bragging either. The act of monitoring, setting goals, and making informed decisions has made it extremely easy to keep on track with my goals that I set out in my original Pesticide Tracking Post. I can ta...