Step 1: Do not apply a preventative fungicide prior to verticutting greens despite there being a small amount of active fusarium present. Step 2: Verticut greens in 2 directions. Be sure to start on the always untreated collars to drag the innoculum onto the greens. Step 3: Do not spot spray any new infection sites for the next 2 weeks. Step 3: Irrigate with cool spring freshet water during an early season dry spell. Step 4: Continue to mow with dull "rockbuster" reels almost daily for 1 week to spread the disease even further. On Tuesday, April 22nd I put out the first broadcast traditional fungicide spray in almost 4 months! in that time I had used nothing but phosphite and careful spot spraying to keep the greens almost 100% clean of any disease. Spot spraying was going so good right up until it went bad! I expected spot spraying to eventually not work but for completely different reasons. I initially thought that the natural incidence of disease would be the factor that I...