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Showing posts from March, 2014

Aeration Recovery and Nitrogen

Aeration season is coming up and I just wanted to mention a few thoughts I have on the subject. I can't speak for everyone but it seems that it is common practice to apply a rather heavy nitrogen app just prior to aeration to speed the recovery. This makes sense as we are often forced to aerate when the temperatures and growth potential are not ideal for recovery but ideal to minimize the disruption to golfers. The pressure the golfers put on us to have perfect playing conditions immediately after aeration force us to do whatever it takes to get the greens back into shape. One of the things that I have talked a lot about on this blog is growth potential and nitrogen fertility and how growth rates are influenced more by temperature than by how much nitrogen we apply. Of course the amount of nitrogen applied has some impact on growth but if the temperatures aren't there it will do little. 4 days post aeration, no additional nitrogen applications made. 12mm holloww tine. For the p...

Disease Update March 2014

You probably aren't wondering what that crazy greenkeeper is up to in Pender Harbour but I'm going to tell you anyway! Overall disease pressure has been interesting. On areas that receive no treatment (fairways, tees) the disease was pretty bad. I have talked with a few other superintendents and most are all seeing the same thing: Crazy bad fusarium on fairways, especially on approaches. This is even apparent on approaches that had fungicide applications made in the fall. I have made no fungicide applications of any kind to my approaches. As the sun rises in the sky I have observed the grass start to out-compete the fusarium and recovery has begun! Bad fusarium. Possibly made worse by mower spread. Already recovering nicely. My fusarium management plan has evolved over the years and here is what I am trying right now. I am not using Civitas. I think I have seen damage due to phytotoxicity especially when it is frosty. I also  don't like the green colour . Any areas that wer...